mardi 4 octobre 2011

3 free credit reports per year

3 free credit reports per year

Eric Violette: Hi, my name is Eric Violette. Eric 3 free credit reports per year Violette, the face 3 free credit reports per year of America's credit woes, is French-Canadian. The ads were all filmed 3 free credit reports per year in Montreal, presumably because it's cheaper.

And when I found out who he really was, I had to drive up to Canada to talk to him. Cole: I can't believe I'm sitting 3 free credit reports per year here with you. Initially, we just geeked out on all of this behind-the-scenes minutiae. He really does play all of the jingles accurately on guitar when they shoot. Rather, they blare the pre-recorded tracks super loudly 3 free credit reports per year at the actors through a P.A. real free credit report And when he's lip-synching, sometimes the way he pronounces English words doesn't look right. Violette: On the Pirate one, like, I say an atom bomb. Free Credit Report commercial: I should have seen it coming at me like an atom bomb. Violette: So I was always saying A-tom bomb.

A-tom bomb, because in French we say bomb atomique -- a-TOM a-TOM-ic. credit report id theft They 3 free credit reports per year shot the Pirate ad and the Dream Girl ad 3 free credit reports per year in September of 3 free credit reports per year 2007. And after that, Eric says he kind of forgot about the whole thing. Violette: I 3 free credit reports per year began to receive e-mails from the United States from people I didn't know. Violette: Yeah, I did receive some pictures of women naked. It's so flattering, but she sent these 3 free credit reports per year pictures to the 3 free credit reports per year guy on the 3 free credit reports per year commercial, you know, so it's not me. 3 in 1 credit report free It's like another reality for me, because they don't air the commercials here unless you have satellite television. So people don't recognize me very often over here because of these commercials.

Laurent holding two pictures of Eric, including a screen shot from one of the ads.

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